Monday, October 27, 2008

Educational softwares

For the educational softwares all of us have got the Softwares CD that we have to evaluate on. We are Divided into groups so that each group can get 1 CD to evaluate. However, for my group.we havent get any CD because there were not enough CD at that time. But that is not a big problem for me as we still can get to other groups and see what they have gotten. I went to Azirah's group and watched her having fun with a software that help us to locate a location or place even to the smallest part. I think the software it good as it allow us to think while playingand having fun. Besides, i also have a look at my friends who play with the educational softwares at the front of the class. They really laugh and giggle while playing. From there, i can imagine the situation or the pupils who are going to play the same softwares. That is very interesting as WE ourselves ( the future teacher) enjoying so much playing and exploring the softwares. I can imagine how much the pupils would love to play with it. So tht is basically what i have done for that day's class.